Exquisite Corpse - A Book Review

Exquisite Corpse - A Book Review

Exquisite is a word that evokes images of finery and craftsmanship, of something elegantly made and delicate.exquisite It is a beautiful and highly descriptive word that can describe an object, a person, or even a concept.

One can also use the adjective exquisite to describe something as awe-inspiring, fantastic, or wonderful. The word is also sometimes used to refer to someone who has an exceptionally refined taste or who displays exceptional skill or talent. The beauty of the landscape is exquisite. The compass was made with exquisite care.

The sexy and sultry premise of this novel is an intriguing premise for an exotic and psychological thriller. Readers will be captivated by the story of Bo Luxton and Alice Dark as they watch their unlikely, yet intensely passionate romance unfold.

An exquisitely crafted book that will knock your socks off, light dynamite under your reading slumber, and explode your brain into a million pieces – but will leave you awake at night with sore knuckles and a brain that doesn't quite understand what happened. The pacing, the storyline, and the writing are all first rate.

A must read.

The definition of exquisite is:

a) of exceedingly high quality; of a fine or delicate kind; of rare excellence;
b) of extreme beauty or rare finery; fine or delicately formed;

The meaning of the idiom, "exquisite," comes from the Latin exquisitus, which means “to seek out carefully.” It describes a careful adjustment that makes a thing look precise and accurate. The word can also be applied to people who display a great deal of taste and sophistication in their manners or in the way they live their lives.

The term was coined by Robert Louis Stevenson in his 1892 novel, “The Adventures of Captain Wentworth.” The story features a young Englishman who marries an American woman, and their relationship quickly becomes complicated. When she discovers that he has been unfaithful, she accuses him of being “exquisitely cruel.”

From the 2017 Rick and Morty season 3 trailer:

The game Exquisite Corpse is a popular parlour game in which a group of people take turns creating a piece of artwork that each adds a line to. This process continues until the entire work is complete. It is similar to the cut-up technique of William Burroughs and Brion Gysin. It can be an artistic tool that opens up new realms of possibility, but it can also lead to sloppiness and self-indulgence. This is why the group of people in the Rick and Morty trailer are referred to as prisoners of their unconscious, and why the games they play at their weekly meetings are described as a form of liberation.

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