How to Use Crystals to Empower Your Intentions

A crystal is a solid, mineral-like substance that forms when minerals clump together in an ordered pattern. These crystals are often referred to as healing stones and can be used to bring good luck, love, and happiness into your life. Some people believe that they can even heal certain physical ailments! However, there is zero scientific evidence to support the benefits of crystals. Nonetheless, they are beautiful and can add a gorgeous ambiance to any home or office space. Plus, they make an awesome gift for someone special!
Some crystals, such as rose quartz, are used for attracting love and positivity. Other crystals, such as jade, are known to purify the body. Others, like shungite, are great for fighting off EMFs (electromagnetic fields). And of course, there’s a variety of crystals that you can use to help meditate and focus on your intentions while practicing mindfulness.
Using crystals to manifest specific goals is an excellent way to shift your energy and work toward a more fulfilling life. Here’s how to choose the right crystals for your needs:
1. Choose a crystal based on the desired vibration-shifting intention.
Crystals are categorized according to their crystal structure and the way in which they conduct energy. There are five basic crystal structures: cubic, isometric, tetragonal, orthorhombic, and monoclinic. The most common type of crystal is the cubic crystal. Cubic crystals are the simplest form of crystalline matter and have identical cells in all directions, forming a cube.
2. Hold the crystal in your hands and visualize it bringing you the positive change you desire.
Crystal practitioners say that holding a crystal and visualizing it bringing about the positive change you are seeking is an effective way to invoke its powers. To do this, first cleanse the crystal in cold running water, sage smoke, or sea salt. Then, hold the crystal in both hands and envision it bringing about the desired change, feeling as though it is already present for you. Repeat this process with each crystal that you want to empower.
3. Keep your crystal close to you throughout the day and re-empower it each time you meditate or do some mindful breathing.
The crystals you choose to empower and hold can also be placed in different places to change the vibe of a room. For example, shungite is a fantastic stone for fighting off EMFs, so it’s great to place on your desk or near your computer. You can also place a piece of amethyst in your bedroom to promote sleep and calm the mind.
4. Use your crystal as a tool for healing another person or animal.
Have you ever wanted to send some good vibes to a loved one who is struggling? A clear quartz point is an excellent choice for this. Simply find a photograph of the person or pet you’d like to send healing energy towards, then place your crystal on top of it and visualize them being healthy.