How to Use the Word Opulent in Your Writing

How to Use the Word Opulent in Your Writing

Opulent is an adjective that describes something as being lavishly expensive or excessively extravagant. It can also be used to describe someone who has a lot of money. When used correctly, opulent can add a sense of luxury and elegance to your writing.

Opulent can also be used to describe a piece of art or architecture. For example, you could say that a painting is opulent because it has a lot of detail and color.

The word opulent is closely related to the words affluent and rich. However, affluent suggests that someone has enough wealth to meet their needs and desires while opulent implies that someone has an abundance of money.

The opulent building was very expensive and extravagant. It was built by a wealthy person.

The opulent hotel was filled with lots of decorations and expensive furniture. The rich people were staying there. They loved to show off their money.

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